

Possible Cause:  Please make sure the below prerequisites are met for ADManager Plus to work with Exchange, 

ADManager Plus uses Remote Powershell to connect and work with Exchange. Request you to enable remote powerShell and connect to the exchange server from the machine where ADManager Plus is installed through Windows Powershell.

Reason: ADManager Plus creates the account in AD by executing LDAP queries. The product uses an Exchange management console to create mailboxes if it Exchanges 2007. Remote PowerShell is used to create a mailbox using PowerShell commands if it is Exchange 2010 or Exchange 2013 and above

Prerequisites for Exchange 2007:

1. 64-bit Edition of ADManager Plus should be installed on a compatible Machine. (You can find the architecture of the existing installation from the "Product.conf" file located at \ManageEngine\ADManager Plus\conf). Download the 64-bit Edition of ADManager Plus from http://www.manageengine.com/products/ad-manager/download.html

2. To create Mailbox Enabled Users in Exchange, you would require the corresponding version of Exchange Management Console (EMC) for 2007 version and below in the same machine where ADManager Plus is installed, failing which the legacy Mailbox will be created.

3. If ADManager Plus is running in console mode, then you must log on to the machine as an administrator (exchange administrator).

4. If ADManager Plus is installed as service, kindly configure the service account with administrator (exchange administrator) privilege by following the below procedure,

· Step 1: Click on Start->Run->services.msc

· Step 2: Locate the service name "ManageEngine ADManager Plus"

· Step 3: Right click->Go to Properties->Log On

· Step 4: Select "This account" and provide the credentials.

Prerequisites for Mailbox Creation above Exchange 2010 & above:

Note: Please make sure the product is installed as 64-bit.

1.Windows PowerShell 2.0 or above should be installed on this machine.

2.TCP port 80 must be open between this machine and the remote Exchange 2010 Server.

3. Make sure the account configured under Domain Settings of ADManager has suitable privileges to create a Mailbox

4. Remote PowerShell must be enabled for the user account specified in ‘Domain Settings’. Try to execute the below commands from Windows PowerShell of the machine where ADManager Plus is installed so we may verify the issue.


$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://your Exchange server/PowerShell/ -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $UserCredential

Note: Replace "ServerFQDN" in the command above with your Exchange server

Import-PSSession $Session

Please make sure the account credentials given in the service account and domain settings is a member of the following groups,

1. Domain Admin/Enterprise Admin
2. Exchange View Only
3. Organization Management