Reason - Issue occurs if service category and service additional
fields related tables like servicemetatable, dynamic tables contains
orphan entries for that particular service category
Queries to be executed directly from db:
1. select * from servicemetatable where serviceid =4801;
2. select * from dynamictables where tablename in ('ServiceReq_4801','SServiceReq_4801','ARC_ServiceReq_4801');
3. select * from tabledetails where table_name in ('ServiceReq_4801','SServiceReq_4801','ARC_ServiceReq_4801');
4. select * from columndetails where table_id not in (select table_id from tabledetails);
5. select * from servicereq_4801;
6. select * from sservicereq_4801;
7. select * from arc_servicereq_4801;
8. select * from servicedefinition where serviceid=4801;
Replace '4801' with service category id which is found in error trace
To resolve the issue:
Scenario 1 :
query 5 to 7, throws error like no table is present and if query 1 to 4
contains data, then it is safe to delete those orphan entries using
below queries
1. delete from servicemetatable where serviceid =4801;
2. delete from dynamictables where tablename in ('ServiceReq_4801','SServiceReq_4801','ARC_ServiceReq_4801');
3. delete from tabledetails where table_name in ('ServiceReq_4801','SServiceReq_4801','ARC_ServiceReq_4801');
4. delete from columndetails where table_id not in (select table_id from tabledetails);
query 8, we'll get the service category name for which issue occurs.
After executing the above delete query, we can just dummy update this
service category to resolve the issue